Maxter history

Maxter (working title?) is a project I started on after playing through Daxter on the psp. There was a special minigame where you could have Daxter dress up like a character out of Matrix, and fight agents runing at you.
I modeled a character similar to that and my friend Robert Sundblad did the textures. Which were later reused for the agent.
I did some animations of Daxter in Maya at that time. But that was as far as I took it. Just some fanart.
Years later, I got everything setup in Motion Builder and did tons more animations for it.
These animations are more meant to continue the minigame showed of in the psp game, and make it into more of a Matrix/Daxter shooter/brawler kind of game.
As of now, I have a Unity project where the player can idle for a bit, until the player presses X. Input results in a intro-like animation being played, and then going into gameplay. Sort of like whats done in the God of War series.
Right now, the only thing you can do in the game, is idle and run forward. As I lack the programming/scripting skills needed to take it further than that.
But I made him idle and wait for input, and run around. So I might be able to have him play other animations as well!

Navigation gamedesign

The idea right now is that Daxter only can run as a way of moving forward.
That was before I made the walkcykle for the weapons though. So that may change.

However, as it is now. You can only run when your hands are free, and thats also the only time you may do the stepright/stepleft animations.
When you have your weapons out, you can only walk.
This was done because I really hate doing walks, and explained the decition by saying he's carrying weapons, he doesn't really need to run or whatever. Just walk around killing agents nearby.
Also, the way the run looks like now, the weapons would clip through the mesh way too much.

I might still stick to the idea of only being able to walk when wielding weapons.
But might redo the walk to fit into a no-weapon state.

Also, he only has one idle animation when wielding. This is because the two other ones are him looking around and kind of rolling his fist around. Neither would work in a wielding state, as he would have his enemies right infront of him, hence no need to look around for them. And the fist rolling just doesn't work.
So to save animation time, he's fine with just one idle animation.